N-FET stands for New Feature Every Time. The dash is there just because it looks cool. N-FET is a survival sandbox game that features features suggested by the community via a google form I have created for it. Every time the game reaches another 5 people that have sent in suggestions then a new version will be released here on itch.io via THE REACTOR. The current features are:

-a hunger system

-digging in snad to find goodies

-lava pit traps

-secret areas





-different characters to play as

-A hidden secret :D

-Craftable, and placeable Snad blocks

-A longer and deeper world

The controls are as follows:

-View inventory by holding W

-arrow keys to move

-hold E and jump on Snad to dig for goodies

-click on an item in your inventory to see what you can craft with it then click on the object to be crafted to craft it

-click on the object you wish to build with in your inventory and keep your inventory open as you tap around the screen to build(so far you can only build with scrap blocks)

-press f to yeet snad out of your inventory

Misc info:

-Oil is your food. The fuel barrel in the main building gives you 50 fuel but takes 15 seconds every time you fill up to cool down

-you lose oil every few seconds

-you can get oil, scrap, snad, and keys from digging in snad

-you can press E to interact with the door to the main building after it closes and if you have the right item the door will open

I hope you have fun playing N-FET and if you want to speed up the next update feel free to fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsi7WgXcf9hFM0zrobK6jGyp6kGfDdYgfxNBl5...

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